Armenian weekend


Մեր հյուրերի հետ միասին բացահայտեցինք Խոր Վիրապ ֊ Նորավանք ֊ Արենի ֊ Ջերմուկ ուղղությունը 🤗

Մեկ ճամփորդության ընթացքում վայելեցինք և' ձմեռ, և' գարուն։ ❄️🌸

Մեր հայրենիքն իսկապես կախարդական է 😇



Վարպետաց դաս


 Դպրոցական տուրերի անբաժան մասն են կազմում մեր ժողովրդական մշակույթի ներկայացումն ու  ուսումնասիրումը։ Այդպիսի հերթական տուրը ուղեկցվեց արիշտայի վարպետաց դասով։ Երեխաները նախ ծանոթացան Բջնի գյուղի մշակութային կոթողներին,  ապա մեծ սիրով մասնակցեցին արիշտայի վարպետաց դասին, իրենց ձեռքով պատրաստեցին հայ կնոջ ստեղծած խոհանոցային այս գլուխգործոցը ։ Վերջում եզրահանգեցին մեր ԱՐԻՇՏԱՆ ոչինչով չի զիջում իտալացիների սպագետիին ։)

Մենք Արփի լճում


Մի սովորական օր էլ դարձավ լավ հիշողություն 😍😍
Սիրուն խմբով
Հառիճավանք, Արփի լիճ, Գյումրի ճանապարհին 🙂🙂
Օրվա տպավորությունները նկարներով դժվար է փոխանցել, միայն կարելի է ասել` թող այսպիսի օրերը շատ լինեն 😉

Մենք Ոսկեվազի գինու գործարանում


Ոսկեվազ գինու տուրի🍷🍷🍷 շրջանակներում մեր հրաշալի խմբի հետ այցելեցինք Ոսկեվազի գինու գործարանը, համտեսեցինք աննման գինին, ծանոթացանք գործարանի պատմությանը, միաժամանակ այցելեցինք Դաշտադեմի ամրոցը, Թալինի Կաթողիկե եկեղեցին և Աղձքում գտնվող Արշակունիների դամբարանը։

Մենք Իրանում


Իրանի տուրի շրջանակներում այցելեցինք իրենց` արևելյան ճոխությամբ հայտնի մի շարք քաղաքներ` Թավրիզ, Թեհրան, Սպահան, Շիրազ և այլն: Ծանոթացանք Իրանի հարուստ պատմությանը եւ մշակույթին, այցելեցինք հին շուկաները, տեսանք Ալի Սադր` աշխարհի ամենաերկար ջրային քարանձավը:

Մեր խումբը Բջնիում 🥰


Վայելեցինք կոլորիտային ու անչափ գեղեցիկ Բջնի գյուղը,այցելեցինք ձիարշավարան, որտեղ անցկացրած ժամանակը կդառնա մեր կյանքի լավագույն հիշողություններից մեկը




ԱրմԹրեյլս Տուրը Գյումրիում է: Բյուրեղավանի Արհեստագործական ուսումնարանի սաների հետ ունեցանք անչափ տպավորիչ ու հագեցած տուր դեպի Գյումրի: Տուրի առաջին կանգառը Հառիճավանքն էր, որի վեհաշուք  ճարտարապետությունն ու հետաքրքիր պատմությունը իրապես հուզեց մեր հյուրերին: Դե ինչ Գյուրին` իր 19-րդ դարի քաղաքային լանդշաֆտով ու հետաքրքրական պատմություններով օրը դարձրեց լիարժեք ու անմոռանալի:



Զումբա-տուրը մեկնարկեց Սուրբ Պողոս_Պետրոս եկեղեցական համալիրի այցելությամբ։🙂🙂

Այցելեցինք Նեղուցի վանքը, Սուրբ Պողոս-Պետրոսը, անցկացրեցինք զումբայի պարապմունքը Աղվերանում` բնության գրկում:


Դպրոցական էքսկուրսիաներ


Դպրոցական էքսկուրսիաները մեզ հետ խոստանում են լինել Ձեր երեխայի լավագույն դպրոցական հիշողությունները:

Մենք աշխատում ենք ողջ թիմով, որպեսզի Ձեր երեխայի դպրոցական էքսկուրսիան դառնա

  • Գիտելիքի ձեռքբերման,
  • Հայրենասիրության ու հայրենաճանաչողության,
  • Դասարանում թիմային ոգու բարձրացման  և, իհարկե,
  • Լիցքաթափման լավ հնարավորություն:

Ապահովում ենք լավ տրամադրություն ու համեղ սնունդ:

Յոգա տուր


Յոգա տուրի շրջանակներում մեր հրաշք խմբի հետ գնացել էինք
✅️Գեղարդավանք,Գառնիի տաճար
✅️Քարերի սիմֆոնիա
✅️ Ազատի ջրամբար
Ասեմ, որ մեկ օրում կարողացանք կատարյալ լիցքաթափվել ու կտրվել առօրյա խնդիրներից։
Յոգայի պարապմունքն անցկացրինք Ջրվեժի հրաշք անտառապարկում

March 8 festive tour to Voskevaz winery


Our today's tour on the occasion of March 8, as always, was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Within the framework of the tour, we visited the Karmravor, Surb Mariane, Tsiranavor and Spitakavor Churches in Ashtarak town and got acquainted with their history. Then we went to the «Voskevaz» Winery, where we were taken to the wine cellars of the winery, here we got acquainted with the history of the winery, as well as the technologies for wine-making, took part in the tasting of wines. At the end of the tour we visited the Talin Cathedral and the Dashtadem Fortress.


Harvest of persimmons


We are continuing the series of our unusual excursions. This time we went to the persimmons orchards. During the tour, we visited the Odzun Monastery, Akhtala Monastery and Fortress and got acquainted with the history of their creation. Then we walked in the territory of the castle of Maecenas Aramyants, drank tea and got acquainted with the history of his life. At the end of the tour we went to the persimmons orchards in Archis village to take part in the process of persimmons picking and received persimmons as a gift. Treatment of organic dairy products and homemade sweets waited for us here. 





The educational tour of our group in Gyumri, as always, was held in a warm atmosphere. Within the framework of the tour, we got acquainted with the history of the Harichavank Monastery, in Gyumri visited the Churches of Yot Verk, Surb Amenaprkich and Surb Grigor Lusavorich, Plplan Zham, felt the breath of the 19th century on the historical streets of Gyumri and also visited the Dzitokhtsyan house-museum (Museum of National Architecture and Urban Life of Gyumri), the Hill of Honor and the Black Fortress. The tour ended with delicious khash.

Autumn Dilijan


We continue the series of our autumn excursions. This time we visited Sevan and Dilijan. Within the framework of the tour we visited the Sevanavank Monastery, where we got acquainted with its history, and had a coffee break on the shore of Lake Sevan.

In Dilijan, we walked along the historic Sharambeyan street, where you can feel the breath of Dilijan of the 19th century. Masters (potters, carpenters, etc.) create and exhibit their works on this street, that is why the street is often called the “street of masters”. Then we visited the Haghartsin Monastery complex, walked to a picturesque waterfall hidden in the mysterious forests, and also visited Lake Parz.



Khosrov Reserve in Autumn


 We are continuing the series of our autumn tours. This time we went to the Khosrov Reserve. Khosrov forests are the oldest artificially planted forests (the 4th century), they are named so in honor of the Armenian King Khosrov. Autumn in the Khosrov forests, when everything around is painted in red and gold tones, is especially beautiful. We hiked to the Vahagn and Astghik waterfalls, admiring dense trees standing in silent expectation, picturesque rocks, alpine meadows, mysterious caves, deep gorges, plane trees and cedar groves. Then we drove to the Aghjots Monastery complex and the dilapidated Geghmahovit church of the 5th century by picturesque serpentines on UAZ off-road vehicle.




We are continuing a series of educational excursions. This time we visited the sights of the Shirak region. The first stop of the tour is Gusanagyugh village. Monuments of the prehistoric, pre-Christian and Christian periods have been preserved here. The archaeological studies have shown that in the ancient times Gusanagyugh village was a large settlement and the residence of kings, as evidenced by Ditamrots castle preserved in the village from the 10th-12th century. It is called by the villagers "Ghula". Here we also saw the operating church of the 11th century. On the way we admired the Akhuryan reservoir (on the border with Turkey) behind the barbed wire, visited the Surb Astvatsatsin Church and the caravanserai in Jrapi village. From the borderline  Haykadzor village we could see through binoculars Ani town and the Red Monastery, which, again was separated from us by barbed wire. The tour ended with a visit to the unsurpassed Yereruik Temple.


Harvest of Apples



We are continuing the series of our unusual excursions. This time we went to the apple orchards. During the tour, we visited the Surb Astvatsatsin Church in Karbi, the Surb Gevorg Monastery in Mughni, the Saghmosavank Monastery complex and got acquainted with the history of their creation. Then we went to Mount Ara to see the unique Tsaghkevank Monastery (St. Barbara) curved in a cave. There is a spring in the moss-covered monastery-cave, which as supposed has healing properties. At the end of the tour we went to the apple orchards to take part in the process of apples picking, and received apples as a gift.




Our next tour, as always, was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Within the framework of the tour, we visited the Karmravor, Surb Mariane, Tsiranavor and Spitakavor Churches in Ashtarak town and got acquainted with their history. Then we went to the «Voskevaz» Winery, where we were taken to the wine cellars of the winery, here we got acquainted with the history of the winery, as well as the technologies for wine-making, took part in the tasting of wines. At the end of the tour we visited the Talin Cathedral and the Dashtadem Fortress.

Autumn Gyumri


Gyumri welcomes everyone with open arms. Our European guests were not an exception.

School tour to Bjni



This time within the framework of the educational tour we traveled to Bjni with the alumni  the Ohanyan college. Here we visited the Bjni Fortress and the Surb Astvatsatsin Church, got acquainted with the history of these sights and also tasted the Bjni mineral water, which is famous for its healing properties. After visiting the sights, we directed to a recreation area in Bjni, had a rest and dinner, tasted our delicious traditional barbecue, took part in the games and dances organized for us.

Javakhk in autumn



Visiting Armenian-populated regions abroad evokes special feelings. We again visited picturesque Paravani and Saghamo lakes (this time gloomy, but, as always, impressive), in Gandzani village we got acquainted with the history of the creation of the Church of Surb Karapet and visited the house-museum of the Armenian poet Vahan Teryan, as well as Greek churches in Tsalka. Within the framework of the tour we also visited the Dashbashi canyon and walked along the new glass bridge with a diamond-shaped bar-restaurant.

Lori in autumn



We heard a lot about the miracles and amazing nature of the Lori region, and today we saw some of them with our own eyes. Within the framework of the jeep tour, we visited Gtevank (VI century) and Hnevank (VII century) Monasteries, then along the Dzoraget River we headed to the picturesque Arevatsag gorge. We stopped at the popular Tsitskar rock, rested here on the bank of the river and had nice photos. Then we went to the Surb Hovhannes Monastery in Ardvi (XIII century), tasted the holy water in area Odzi Port and completed the tour with visitng the gorgeous Odzun Monastery (VI century). Join us to see everything with your own eyes!

Georgia: Dashbashi Gorge



Tours to Georgia are especially interesting if You visit the Armenian-populated regions. Within the framework of the tour we visited picturesque Paravani and Saghamo lakes, in Gandzani village we got acquainted with the history of the creation of the Church of Surb Karapet and visited the house-museum of the Armenian poet Vahan Teryan, as well as Greek churches in Tsalka. Then we visited the Dashbashi canyon, walked along the new glass bridge with a diamond-shaped bar-restaurant, saw a giant swing over the gorge and had 1,5-km tracking by the path to the picturesque cascading waterfall.

Bjni Hankavan: Yoga


One of our lovely tours. We visited the hot mineral springs in Hankavan. We visited the fortress of Bjni and the church of Surb Astvatsatsin, tasted the famous mineral water of Bjni, had a rest on the bank of the river, got acquainted with the history of the Greek church of Hankavan. Our tour ended with swimming in the waters of a hot mineral spring.

School Tour: Gyumri


This time we are in Gyumri with the students of the Hrazdan College. In Gyumri, we got acquainted with the rich history of the city, its cultural and historical monuments. We also visited a rose greenhouse, got acquainted with the technology of growing of roses.

School Tour: Garni


Yes, we are in Garni again. Excursions to Garni are one of the most popular and favorite tours. Together with students of school N 84 of Yerevan we visited the Charents arch and the Geghard Monastery. We had a rest in the "Partez" recreation area, tasted our traditional delicious barbecue cooked in the tonir, took part in various games organized for us by a professional animator. In the evening we visited the Garni pagan temple and saw it under the nice evening illumination.

School Tour: Sevan, Dilijan


Another educational tour is a tour to Sevan and Dilijan with the students of the 8th grade of а basic school of Vardashen village of the Ararat region. We visited the Sevanavank Monastery, the Haghartsin monastery complex and Old Dilijan. We got acquainted with the work of potters, visited the Farm for Breeding Caucasian Deer. The tour ended on the shore of Lake Parz, where we had a rest and tasted our traditional barbeque. 

School Tour: Lori


The Lori region, as always, causes a storm of feelings. Together with the graduates of  basic school N 2 of  Vedi town we visited the Tormak church, Dendropark and the Lori fortress. We had a rest in the «Lore» recreation area and in the «Lore Extreme Park», where the students had rock climbing under the supervision of a specialist and enjoyed zipline. The day ended in a warm atmosphere around the fire.

Lake Sevan


Today we had one of our most favorite tours to lake Sevan. Within the framework of the tour we visited the Sevanavank Monastery,  had a boat trip to a unique Island of Gulls, had time to swim in the lake, relax on the shore and taste delicious fish and pork barbecue. Join our next Sevan tour!



Within the framework of today's tour we visited the Noravank Monastery, got acquainted with its rich history, then headed to Jermuk resort town. Here we visited the Jermuk waterfall and tasted useful mineral waters, after which had an off-road tour to the mountains to swim in the Jermuk hot geyser. On the way we visited a unique cave-chapel. At the top of the mountain we took a picture with a statue of a deer symbolizing the town of Jermuk. The trip ended with a visit to the Jermuk Park, which is famous for its amazing sculptures and beautiful nature.

Khosrov Reserve


Today we have combined our tour to the Khosrov Reserve with yoga. Khosrov forests are the oldest artificially planted forests (the 4th century), they are named so in honor of King Khosrov. Here we were met by dense trees standing in silent expectation, picturesque rocks and waterfalls, alpine meadows, mysterious caves, deep gorges, plane trees and cedar groves. We had our yoga class in the Khosrov forests, tracked to the Vahagn and Astghik picturesque waterfalls, visited the Aghjots Monastery complex and the dilapidated Geghmahovit church of the 5th century. The tour ended with a visit to the Garni pagan temple, which we saw under the evening illumination.

Hankavan Hot Mineral Springs


Our regular tour was conducted in a warm and friendly atmosphere. This time we visited the hot mineral springs in Hankavan. We visited the fortress of Bjni and the church of Surb Astvatsatsin, tasted the famous mineral water of Bjni, had a rest on the bank of the river, got acquainted with the history of the Greek church of Hankavan. Our tour ended with swimming in the waters of a hot mineral spring.